Lay Leadership

Cursillo Secretariat

The Secretariat is responsible for the proper functioning of the School of Leaders and the whole Movement in a Diocese. The Secretariat must ensure that the school fulfills what it is commissioned to do in each of its essential phases of the Movement; Pre-Cursillo, 3-Day Weekend, and Post-Cursillo. The members of the Secretariat are the servants of the servants; their role is to be one of simple service to the Movement.

Eduardo's Vision of Secretariat


• Simplify

• Facilitate

• Enable


The living and sharing of what is FUNDAMENTAL TO BEING CHRISTIAN!


• The guardians of the purity of the Method and Charism of Cursillo.

• Responsible for making known the Mentality, Essence, Purpose, and Method and it's development

through appropriate means in light of the Foundational Charism.

Secretariat Positions

Patricia Bunch

Diocesan Cursillo Coordinator

The Diocesan Cursillo Coordinator (previously Lay Director) should always be a layperson responsible for the technique and methodology of Cursillo. The Diocesan Cursillo Coordinator creates and oversees the meeting agenda and ensures that all members fulfill their roles.

Sue Tinker

School of Leaders

The Chairperson of the School of Leaders determines the rollos for the Doctrinal and Technique presentations for the School and facilitates the School of Leaders. The Chairperson ensures that a study curriculum is set up and maintained for the School.

Manon Reiher

Precursillo - Women

The Chairperson of the Pre-Cursillo ensures that the selection and preparation of candidates who will live a Cursillo Weekend are appropriately implemented. The Chairperson will ensure that the Secretariat, or person delegated by the Secretariat receives an application for each candidate that is appropriately completed. They ensure that the sponsor or group sponsoring the candidate knows him/her and has established a sincere friendship to ensure a smooth transition from the Pre-Cursillo to the Post-Cursillo by way of the 3-Day Weekend.

John Moloney

Precursillo - Men

The Chairperson of the Pre-Cursillo ensures that the selection and preparation of candidates who will live a Cursillo Weekend are appropriately implemented. The Chairperson will ensure that the Secretariat, or person delegated by the Secretariat receives an application for each candidate that is appropriately completed. They ensure that the sponsor or group sponsoring the candidate knows him/her and has established a sincere friendship to ensure a smooth transition from the Pre-Cursillo to the Post-Cursillo by way of the 3-Day Weekend.

Patti Eiffe

Cursillo Weekend - Women

The Chairperson of the 3-Day Cursillo Weekend ensures that the facility and all the necessary elements and supplies are available for the Cursillo Weekend. This Chairperson can also recommend members from the School of Leaders for the (Weekend) team to the Secretariat for approval.

Warren Grasheim

Cursillo Weekend - Men

The Chairperson of the 3-Day Cursillo Weekend ensures that the facility and all the necessary elements and supplies are available for the Cursillo Weekend. This Chairperson can also recommend members from the School of Leaders for the (Weekend) team to the Secretariat for approval.

Miralee Ackerson


The Chairperson of the Post-Cursillo ensures that every Cursillista within the Diocesan Movement can grow in their Fourth Day. This is accomplished by ensuring a link exists between the Secretariat and the Ultreya within the diocese. Furthermore, the Chairperson ensures that the Ultreyas maintain their essence. The Chairperson is also responsible for determining and scheduling necessary Diocesan, Regional, and National workshop

Melisa Jeffers


The secretary will keep the minutes of all Secretariat meetings and distribute them promptly to anyone who should receive them. They also ensure all mailing lists are up to date

Mary Wells


The treasurer will manage financial matters and ensure the Diocesan Movement is financially solvent and that all local, regional, and national obligations are met.

Deacon Ralph D'Agostino

Spiritual Advisor

The Spiritual Advisor, always a priest, deacon, or vowed religious, is responsible for matters concerning doctrine and conscience. He is the link between the Secretariat and the local Bishop. His specific contributions to Cursillo are outlined in the Spiritual Advisor’s Manual.


Assistant to Secretariat Positions


Diocesan Cursillo Coordinator Asst.

Bill Wells

Treasurer - Asst.

LeiLanie D'Agostino

School of Leader Asst.


Postcursillo - Asst.

Working Committee Positions

Bill Wells

Website / OneDrive

Tita Wofford

Newsletter / Media

Patty Mead

Palanca Coordinator

Kathy Crisson



John Sequeria

Flocknote Coordinator


Team Logins


Weekend Team Space



Parish Ambassadors